Hydrological Study and Hydraulic Design for rehabilitation of a damaged retaining wall at Petroleum Exploration and Development Department, Entebbe


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  • Hydrological Study and Hydraulic Design for rehabilitation of a damaged retaining wall at Petroleum Exploration and Development Department, Entebbe

Since 2019, Lake Victoria has experienced rising water levels that have caused significant flooding impacts on the lake shoreline communities in East Africa. Part of the facilities affected by the increase in water levels of the lake include the boundary wall of PEDP and GSMD Department Offices in Entebbe City. The increased water levels and waves (tides) broke down part of the boundary wall. As a result, the water came as close as 3 m from the PEPD building plinth walls and damaged security uniports.

MEIR was contracted by ACE consult limited to carry out hydrological studies and detailed hydraulic and structural design for a retaining wall to protect the existing buildings. MEIR undertook detailed hydrological studies and hydraulic design, detailed structural analysis and structural design for sheet piling and gabion wall retaining system.


Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development/ Ace Consult Ltd


April 2022 – June 2022



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